Triple Diamond Payout

Game Information

Ticket Price$20
Top Prize$500,000
Overall Odds1:3.92
Launch Date02/07/2023
Game Number122
Game StatusActive
* Approximate overall odds of winning including breakeven prizes is established at the time of printing. Chances of winning will change as prizes are won.

Game Instructions:

WIN UP TO $500,000!

Reveal a moneybag symbol in any BONUS SPOT, win PRIZE shown for that symbol.

Match any of YOUR NUMBERS to any of the WINNING NUMBERS, win the PRIZE shown for that number. Reveal a gold bar symbol in the play area, win PRIZE shown for that symbol. Reveal a “10X” symbol, win 10 TIMES the PRIZE for that symbol. Reveal a crown symbol, win $100 automatically. Reveal a diamond symbol, win $500 automatically!

Watch the How-to Video

Game Prize Info:

Prize ValueOriginal Prize CountRemaining Prize Count
$500,0002nd Chance Prize1

Last updated 01/24/2025