$1 - Fast $50s
Match any of YOUR NUMBERS to the WINNING NUMBER, win PRIZE for that number. Reveal a "FAST" symbol and win $50 instantly! Win up to $2,000.
Approximate overall odds - 1:4.71
Prize Value | Original Prize Count |
$2,000 | 12 |
$500 | 20 |
$250 | 40 |
$100 | 840 |
$50 | 14,000 |
$15 | 22,400 |
$10 | 44,800 |
$5 | 89,600 |
$2 | 582,400 |
Free Ticket ($1) | 672,000 |

$2 - Money Bags
Match any of YOUR NUMBERS to either of the WINNING NUMBERS, win the PRIZE for that GAME. Reveal a Money Bag symbol, win DOUBLE the PRIZE for that GAME! Win Up to $20,000!
Approximate overall odds - 1:4.44
Prize Value | Original Prize Count |
$20,000 | 4 |
$2,000 | 20 |
$500 | 80 |
$200 | 160 |
$100 | 8,000 |
$40 | 16,000 |
$20 | 32,000 |
$10 | 64,000 |
$5 | 160,000 |
$4 | 320,000 |
Free Ticket ($2) | 480,000 |

$2 - Jewel 7s Doubler
Scratch the PLAY AREA. Reveal a "7" symbol, win the PRIZE for that symbol. Reveal a "DBL" symbol, win DOUBLE the PRIZE for that symbol. Win up to 10 Times!
Approximate overall odds - 1:4.31
Prize Value | Original Prize Count |
$20,000 | 4 |
$2,000 | 20 |
$500 | 80 |
$200 | 160 |
$100 | 8,320 |
$30 | 16,000 |
$20 | 32,000 |
$10 | 64,000 |
$5 | 160,000 |
$4 | 352,000 |
Free Ticket ($2) | 480,000 |

$5 - Mississippi Blues
Match any of YOUR NUMBERS to any of the WINNING NUMBERS, win the PRIZE for that number. Reveal a stack of money icon as one of YOUR NUMBERS and win DOUBLE the PRIZE amount for that symbol. Reveal a money bag symbol and win $50 instantly! Win up to $100,000!
Approximate overall odds - 1:3.91
Prize Value | Original Prize Count |
$100,000 | 4 |
$5,000 | 8 |
$500 | 200 |
$200 | 600 |
$100 | 10,000 |
$50 | 50,000 |
$30 | 75,000 |
$20 | 250,000 |
$10 | 550,000 |
Free Ticket ($5) | 600,000 |

$1 - 3 Times Lucky
Get three "3" symbols in any one row, column or diagonal like tic-tac-toe, win PRIZE shown in PRIZE box!
Approximate overall odds - 1:4.75
Prize Value | Original Prize Count |
$3,000 | 24 |
$500 | 480 |
$250 | 1,600 |
$100 | 4,000 |
$40 | 8,000 |
$30 | 32,000 |
$15 | 64,000 |
$10 | 128,000 |
$5 | 320,000 |
$2 | 1,536,000 |
Free $1 Ticket | 1,920,000 |

$2 - Happy Holidays Y'all
Match any of YOUR NUMBERS to either of the WINNING NUMBERS, win the PRIZE shown. Reveal a "2X" symbol, win DOUBLE the PRIZE shown!
Approximate overall odds - 1:4.39
Prize Value | Original Prize Count |
$15,000 | 4 |
$2,000 | 16 |
$500 | 80 |
$200 | 200 |
$100 | 8,000 |
$30 | 28,400 |
$20 | 32,000 |
$10 | 64,000 |
$4 | 480,000 |
Free Ticket ($2) | 480,000 |

$2 - Triple 777
Reveal 3 like symbols in any game across, win PRIZE for that game. Reveal THREE "7" symbols in any game across and win TRIPLE the PRIZE for that game.
Approximate overall odds - 1:4.32
Prize Value | Original Prize Count |
$20,000 | 8 |
$2,000 | 20 |
$500 | 60 |
$200 | 192 |
$100 | 11,520 |
$40 | 19,200 |
$20 | 38,400 |
$10 | 76,800 |
$4 | 576,000 |
Free Ticket ($2) | 576,000 |

$5 - $100,000 Jackpot
Loaded with $50 Prizes! Match any of YOUR NUMBERS to any of the WINNING NUMBERS, win PRIZE for that number. Reveal a stack of money symbol, win DOUBLE the PRIZE shown! Reveal a money bag symbol, win $50 instantly!
Approximate overall odds - 1:3.98
Prize Value | Original Prize Count |
$100,000 | 4 |
$5,000 | 12 |
$500 | 150 |
$250 | 250 |
$100 | 8,000 |
$50 | 50,000 |
$30 | 100,000 |
$20 | 250,000 |
$10 | 500,000 |
Free Ticket ($5) | 600,000 |