Become a Retailer

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The time to
get into the
game is NOW,


Apply today to become a Mississippi Lottery retailer and join the fun!
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Retailer Forms
Questions? Call (855) 652-5688
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Why should I become a Lottery retailer?

6% commission on ticket sales

Commission on Ticket Sales

increasedcustomer traffic

Increased Customer Traffic

Drive repeat customers

Drive Repeat Customers

Shopping cart icon to represent our Retailers.

Expand Sales of Store Merchandise

Become a Mississippi Lottery Retailer:

Becoming a Mississippi Lottery retailer is a great business opportunity. The Lottery retailer application process is ongoing. Please review the information on this page and use the buttons below to download the application or call for more info.

Basic requirements include:

  • Lottery retailer applicants must be at least 21 years of age.
  • Lottery retailer applicants cannot be engaged exclusively in the business of selling lottery tickets or operating devices solely for entertainment.
  • Lottery retailer applicants must be current in filing and payment of all applicable taxes to the State, excluding items under formal appeal.
  • Lottery retailer applicants must undergo and pass background investigations which include:
    - Criminal background review
    - Tax filing status review
    - Financial credit review

Basic responsibilities include:

  • The retailer must display a certificate of authority to sell lottery tickets. The MLC shall issue such certificates.
  • The retailer agrees to pay out all prizes under $600 in their location.
  • The retailer agrees to comply with all MLC Retailer Rules and Regulations.
  • The retailer must comply with MLC rules and procedures governing the accounting of tickets in custody, tickets sold, proceeds from sales of tickets, and remission of funds to the corporation through electronic fund transfers or other recorded financial instruments authorized by the MLC and approved by the MLC President.